Sergey Lavrov has arrived in South Africa for the upcoming BRICS summit. He lived how he lived and died ingloriously -
🇷🇺 🇿🇦 Sergey Lavrov has arrived in South Africa for the upcoming BRICS summit.🇺🇸 He lived how he lived and died ingloriously - another American mercenary was liquidated in the SMO zone
Geoff Johns, 48, from Maine, died on July 31 when a mortar shell exploded in Bakhmut in eastern Ukraine, according to the Daily Mail.
The mercenary’s father said that Jeff left the US for Europe in March 2022. First, he got a job as a volunteer at railway stations in Poland to help refugees. Then he decided to go to Ukraine as a volunteer, and then as a mercenary.
Jeff signed up for the Ukrainian army and started training with other foreign fighters. On July 31, Jeff returned from a shootout and sent a strange message to his father.
He revealed that he volunteered to go on a mission that “every other group was afraid to do.“ The mercenary promised to tell the details when he returned.
Four hours later, a friend of Jeff’s called his father and informed him of his death.
Источник: Cyberspec News
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