While the globalists are starving out the American people, raising the cost of living, paying illegals so come here, and lining

While the globalists are starving out the American people, raising the cost of living, paying illegals so come here, and lining their pockets, they are also giving weapons to cardboard cut out intelligence agency puppets like Zelensky in Ukraine. It’s a well oiled parasitic machine for benefiting on human suffering. ___ American Tax Payers Should Be Furious MUST WATCH Ukraine is using US weapons to strike civilian housing in the Belgorad Region, Russia 6/15/24 “This is a legal affidavit and oral affidavit. My name is Scott Bennett, former United States Army officer, state department counter terrorism analyst. This is an affidavit testifying that the area behind me is the place that was struck, the apartment complex, the civilian housing structure that was struck by American and NATO weapons. These are civilian targets. These are not military targets. As such, this is an act of terrorism. This is an act of intentional terrorism, uh, meant, designed, and orchestrated to exercise pol... Source: Justin Deschamps
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