Crews of 152 mm towed Giatsint-B guns on combat mission

Crews of 152 mm towed Giatsint-B guns on combat mission Crews of 152 mm towed guns Gyacinth-B of the artillery units of the Vostok group of troops in various weather and climatic conditions suppress and destroy manpower, fire weapons, weapons and military equipment of the enemy in concentration areas and strongholds. The Gyacint-B large-caliber gun is capable of hitting targets at a distance of up to 40 kilometers, depending on the type of shells used when firing. The gun’s crews work smoothly - it takes several minutes from receiving the target’s coordinates to firing. Artillerymen need to work quickly in order to change their firing position in a timely manner and not find themselves in the epicenter of a counter-battery fight. According to the artillerymen of the Vostok group of forces, recently the enemy’s activity in this sector of the front has sharply decreased, and accordingly our artillery has had less work.  Join Military Wave Источник: Military Wave
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