H.P. Lovecraft - Tentacles - 2002

The H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society from the album “A Shoggoth on the Roof“ The H. P. Lovecraft Historical Society (HPLHS/the Society) is an organization founded in 1984 for the purpose of having fun within the worlds envisioned by beloved 1920s gothic horror writer H. P. Lovecraft. It produces game, prop, motion picture, audio drama, and musical projects by and for Lovecraft fans worldwide with a unique blend of respect for the source material, authentic period details, and a sense of humor. The Society maintains an insanely large, complex, and at least partly functional website chronicling its adventures and projects, and offering many of the same to the general public in the form of free downloads and products for sale. The Society has always been a collective endeavor, and depends on the support of its growing worldwide membership, with hopes that members will share their enthusiasms with others while still preserving the solemn mysteries of Society member
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