My elegy for the time, the roll of days, nights, seasons. The cycle of nature. For the time who passes by. Indifferent of us all and in revenge we try, in vain, to ignore.
Elegy is the first of the ´five fantasy pieces` op.3, 1892, by Sergei Rachmaninov, 1873-1943. A quite popular and friendly piece of music unfolding a touching, rather sad melody plus the necessary virtuoso parts.
Russian pianist Pavel Serebriakov, 1909-1977, served mainly the romantic repertoire.
Paintings by russian painters:
Levitan, moon, 1899.
Levitan, Silence, 1898.
Kuindzhi, Moonlight on the Dnieper, 1880.
Kuindzhi, Evening in the Ukraine, 1878-1901.
Soroka, Fishermen, 1840.
Roerich, Messenger, 1897.
5 months ago 00:04:33 1
Рахманинов Играет ЭЛЕГИЮ🎵С НОТАМИ!🎵
6 months ago 00:06:20 1
Rachmaninov. Elegie for violin, cello and piano. Рахманинов. Элегия для скрипки, виолончели и ф-но