How Shame Almost Ruined Jamie Lee Curtis’ life | Rumour Juice

Jamie Lee Curtis. An actor and a writer, a wife and a mother, an activist and a recovering addict. This extraordinary woman can do it all. Being genuine, kind, thoughtful, beautiful in every way possible. But how did she get here? What or who made her keep her dark secret from everyone for a very long time? Let’s follow dive into the past and present of the Hollywood star we all gotta look up to. 0:00 What lies behind Curtis’ success 1:02 Jamie’s friend revealed her secret 3:53 A comment that made her feel scared 5:32 Jamie shared drugs with her family 6:35 Mobile home recovery meeting 8:58 New version of the 62-year-old woman How Shame Almost Ruined Jamie Lee Curtis’ life | Rumour Juice #JamieLeeCurtis #ScreamQueens #FreakyFriday #TrueLies #KnivesOut #Halloween #Hollywood #GoldenGlobes #JodieFoster #TonyCurtis #Celebrities #JamieLeeCurtisinterview #JamieLeeCurtischildren #JamieLeeCurtisfamily #JamieLeeCurtisplasticsurgery #JamieLeeCurtisnow #RumourJuice #Storyaboutcel
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