Watch Tom Hiddleston Play “Save or Kill” at TIFF 2015

With Tom Hiddleston at the Toronto International Film Festival to promote two films (Ben Wheatley’s High-Rise and Marc Abraham’s I Saw the Light), the other day I sat down with the busy actor for an exclusive video interview. While I already posted what he said about Kong: Skull Island and Thor: Ragnarok, for today’s installment, I’ve got him playing “Save or Kill”. If you haven’t watched the game before, it reveals which franchises, characters or bands someone would choose when pitted against another of equal value. Han Solo or Indiana Jones – if you were told you could only save one and the other would be erased from existence forever, who would you pick? Here’s the video. Look for Hiddleston talking about High-Rise and I Saw the Light tomorrow. For More Collider:
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