Recovering of feldspart crystals by electric pulse disaggregation (preliminary test)

This video shows how feldspar and amphibole crystals could be easily divided by electric pulse disaggregation (not to be confused with electric pulse fragmentation - we have more power and another properties of discharge streamers). Check out our website for more information: To learn more about 3D technology of mineral processing and mineral research you can at: (after pre-registration). Audio: Dalobtz - 05062019 (demo version) Нас часто спрашивают начинающие битмейкеры: как написать качевый бит? наш ответ - берешь и пишешь от сердца как пойдет, главное - поймать волну Это, на самом деле, очень просто - как собрать кубика-рубика. We are often asked by novice beatmakers: how to use a tablet? our answer - you take a microtic and write from your heart how it goes, the main thing is to catch a wave. It’s actually very simple - how to solve a Rubik’s cube.
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