Deai - ROSE

世界中で愛される名曲「百万本のバラ」のその後を描いた作品。 年老いた女優のまなざしの先には、乙女時代の自分が描かれた肖像画。おぼろげな記憶がしだいによみがえり、時を越えた一途な愛に包まれる。 花屋に語りかけ一輪のバラを手にするシーンが印象的な、切なくも美しい物語。ラトビアで生まれたメロディーにロシアで詞が付き、日本にも伝わった百万本のバラに続く曲を、日露デュオのDeaiが歌い、世界に向けて発信。 This music video depicts the aftermath of the famous song “A Million Roses,“ loved around the world. An elderly actress gazes at a portrait of herself as a maiden. As her dim memories gradually come back to life, she is enveloped in a timeless, one-sided love. The scene in which she talks to the florist and holds a rose in her hand is memorable, underlining a sad yet beautiful story. The song is performed by the Japanese-Russian duo Deai. Deai Vocals: Natsuki Sugawara Music&Production: Vitaly Suntsev ------------------- Twitter: Instagram: VK: Telegram: : ------------------- SUPPORT THIS CHANNEL ------------------- Lyrics:Yoshiaki Imai ------------------- Music:Yusuke Yamada Push Pull Office ------------------- Recording: Tomoya Kokubu Studio Cheeta ------------------- Cinematography: Debo Roy Films ------------------- Hannah Reca ------------------- Ryosuke Nakano ------------------- Management:Tintroom ------------------- 「ROSE」 彩 「ROSE」山田ゆうすけ(作曲者セルフカバー)
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