The Drum Of Fortune (1933)

Full title reads: “Dublin. The Drum of Fortune. Whether you are lucky or unlucky, everything was perfectly planned and went of without the slightest suspicion of a hitch!“ Dublin, Eire, Southern Ireland, Republic of Ireland. Scenes from the Irish Hospitals Sweepstake. Women in fancy dress push trolleys round from which lottery entries are emptied into a large collecting box. Top view of women dressed as gypsies mixing tickets up in large sacks. Sacks of lottery tickets are emptied into large drum which sits below decorations depicting a horse race. All the helpers line up on stage as official makes an announcement. Nurses reach into the drum and pick out winning entries. Those tickets are then placed in a smaller drum from which one ticket is selected. Closer shot of nurses drawing more tickets from big drum. The process of drawing another ticket is then repeated. FILM ID:707.3 A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH PATHÉ TV. IT’S FULL OF GREAT DOCUMENTARIE
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