Brad and Sara go out…

0:00 Intro 15:16 What happened with Diddy 17:09 brads fear of saying “I love you” 17:31 Sara doesn’t love… 19:44 back to what happened with diddy 23:23 people that get rich and famous, then do weird sh*t 23:58 drake allegations 30:13 kendrick & drake 34:22 brad is going to hawaii 36:59 vanilla gorilla cafe, it’s a pick of brad 38:17 sara is depressed 39:25 favorite movie as a kid 40:28 if sara was a cartoon character... 41:39 brads birthday and what he’s doing 43:43 sara is having a moment... 46:00 if your house was on fire question 50:42 couples therapy 53:12 brads patience 57:04 wishing from a crystal ball? It’s where you make it, focusing on the now 1:00:08 sara being a mother 1:01:34 Brad would get a cat 1:03:14 what is a good instagram photo? 1:04:08 if someone asked brad what sara was he would say... 1:05:02 If someone asked Sara what br
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