Princess Luna vs Freddy Krueger. Rap Battle Arena. (Feat. K.C. and Fightmarker)

my little pony vs nightmare on elm street rap battle Welcome to the first of 5 weekly uploads for RBA this month! This week we have two literal sleepwalkers, one helps, the other destroys and mentally tortures, who will win? Watch the video to find out! ▼ CAST ▼ ========= K.C. as princess luna my little pony Fightmarker as freddy krueger nightmare on elm street ▼ CREW ▼ ========= Written by Serena Produced by Trunxks Mixed by Serena Edited by Serena -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello there! As my channel name says, I am Serena, a trans woman who’s into a lot of nerdy shit, including but not limited to: rap battles, movies, tv shows, video games, and other “LOL RANDOM XD“ shit Follow me on Twitter:
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