РЫСЬ размером с Волка имеет особую связь с женщиной, которая её вырастила!

Max Canada Lynx, is not domesticated but has been humanized. He still has wild tendencies. He educates the public locally on the endangered/threatened (in lower 48 states) Canada Lynx in hopes that people will be driven to conserve our environment and protect our wildlife. Technically, they are listed as “threatened“ but in my state of NY they are considered “extirpated.“ However, it’s legal to trap these beautiful animals in Canada and Alaska because they are listed as “least concerned.“ This video is NOT taken in my home but where he has an indoor enclosure. This is Max’s rug with his fur, straw and other scents that he loves. He doesn’t like the vacuum. Max also has outdoor housing where he spends most of his time. He was born May 2011 at a zoo and cannot be released into the wild. Подписывайтесь на наш канал, дальше будет интересней!!! Ролики, загруженные на наш канал, созданы на основе принципа добросовестного использования. Вся информац
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