Урок# Простые методы запоминания английских слов

03 : 40 “I was used“ можно перевести и как “Я привык“ и как “Я был привыкшим“. Оба случая в прошедшем времени. 29 : 00 Существительное “advice“ в англ. языке является НЕ исчисляемым. 35 : 10 “I went there (туда) by train“. “Here“ - сюда. 43 : 10 “Some help“ - некоторая помощь. “Any help“ - какая-нибудь, какая-либо помощь. Сайт с ботами для тренировки произношения : Use - использовать I often use the Internet. Be used to - быть привыкшим к... I`m used to this place. I was used to getting up (вставать) early (рано). Useful - полезный Useless - бесполезный Check - проверять The teacher checked everything. Friend - друг Friendly - дружеский, дружелюбный Boy\girl friend - друг/подруга Order - приказывать, заказывать, приказ, заказ, порядок I have an order (приказ) for your arrest. He ordered (приказал) them to go to that district (район). They ordered (заказали) a big pizza at that cafe. The pizza was very tasty (вкусная). Choice - выбор I like your choice. Сhoose - выбирать I chose the correct\ right answer. Change - менять, перемена, изменение He liked these changes. She liked such changes. I changed my decision. Slow - медленный Slowly - медленно Again - опять, снова I came here again. Be Against - быть против He is against his decision (решение). (An)other - другой I need another book. Other - другие She needs other books. Agree - соглашаться I agree with this decision. Disagree (Don`t agree) - не соглашаться I disagreed with this decision. I didn`t agree with this choice\ such changes. Agreement - соглашение Hard - трудный, сложный, жёсткий, тяжёлый He had a hard day. Difficult (more formal) - сложный He asked me a difficult question. Heavy - тяжелый (о весе). I took a very heavy bag with me. Correct - исправлять, правильный He corrected my mistakes. Correctly - правильно Advice - совет I need your advice. Advise - советовать He advised me to do it. She advises us to learn English every day. Support - поддержка, поддерживать He supports us in it. We needed their support. Any - какие-либо, какой-нибудь, какой-либо, любые We need any help. They need any support. I don`t make any mistakes at all. Some - некоторый, некоторые He had some questions for him. At all - вовсе, вообще We don`t need your help at all. Answer, reply - ответ, отвечать Question - вопрос Ask - спрашивать Soon - скоро, вскоре You need to come here as soon as possible. Train - тренироваться, поезд I often train (work out) in this place. I went there by train. Then - затем, потом I came to this city and then I went to the hotel. Than - чем I feel better than yesterday. Cover - покрывать He covered the car. Discover - обнаруживать, раскрывать, найти He discovered a new star. Discovery - открытие This is a huge discovery. Recover - восстанавливаться, выздоравливать She recovered last week. Recovery - восстановление He needs a full (полное) recovery. Usual - обычный Usually - обычно I usually go to this store/ shop/ supermarket. Unusual - необычный I came to an unusual place. Unusually - необычно It seemed unusual to me. Look It looks strange. Look at He looked at us. Look for He needs to look for this book. She needs to look for a new job. Help - помощь, помогать I often help them. I need some help.
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