Will MIT’s 2040 Collapse Prediction Come True?

How accurate is MIT’s 1973 World One computer program prediction that civilization will end in 2040 since the program’s first predicted milestone was that significant changes on Earth would begin to take place in 2020? The civilization we should aim for is one that could prevent the predicted collapse, and it is built on universal love, interconnection, and mutual assistance. However, achieving such a state in human society requires acknowledging the flaws in our current civilization, that we relate to each other with an egoistic and divisive mindset instead of upgrading our relations to positively connect above our egos. Our challenge lies in exposing these flaws in our present way of life. We must recognize the flaws of our egoistic attitudes in an increasingly interdependent world in either a positive or negative manner: either through blows of suffering that will eventually lead us to a positive state, or by revealing a path that will let us progress to a better world without having
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