Sören Sieg: Desired Departure. Performed by Hiroki Niwano and Akiko Kikukawa

This video won the first price in the Sören Sieg Music Video Competition 2021! Hiroki Niwano explains: “This song is one of my favorites. When I listened to this song on youtube about 1or 2 years ago, I got the score soon. But I didn’t have a opportunity to play it. One of another reason is that there is no pianist near around me. But fortunately I found this competition and I can have the opportunity to play this song. So I’m very thankful to be held on this competition by you.| About video clip I feel the energy of happiness, joy, fun, power of rhythm on Desired Departure. So I expressed my feeling about this song by sounds and my body. I like each part of this song so I added my image for each part. I also like each my adding but my favorite is the glass playing. I have played glass harmonica not as music. It was first time to play it as music. Bubbles,too. I feel its sounds fits the part of this song. In 80’s I used to watch MTV on TV. So this clip is
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