(168) They still sell These NEW! I just got 2 more - YouTube

I have a love affair with a certain type of camera they don’t even make anymore. I love them so much, I just bought 2 more ..NEW! Still factory sealed. Whatever you like ...or liked in the past, there is a chance you can still buy one new! Not every single new thing in the world is sold. Many end up collecting dust on warehouse shelves. This is a great example, and a review of these two amazing cameras. If you guessed Samsung, you are correct. They stopped making cameras 5 years ago, and to this day, they are still some of the best cameras in the world. I just bought my 4th Samsung NX500 and third NX mini. I demonstrate why in this video. They the biggest and best sensors compared to even professional cameras. In one mind blowing demonstration in this video, I put a Samsung NX500 next to a Blackmagic BMPCC 6K with Super35mm sensor cinema camera and the results might shock you. I accidentally called it an E2-F6 which is a Z cam model I also bought at the same time and I confused the names. The
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