Reception For Lieutenant Morgan (1914-1918)

Reception for Lieutenant Morgan - location of events unknown. Town’s reception for a returning hero; with some nice people shots. Opens with DS crowd in coats waving hats; cheering; big building in BG. Two soldiers and 2 others approach on path cleared through crowd. Several firemen in shiny helmets follow; then the crowd all pushes forward. Small brass band marching down sloping wet street; spectators on side; cold and damp day. Carriage backs into FG. CU the 4 men (2 soldiers; 2 civilians) climb up into carriage; the last guy turns; nods at cameraman. CU 2 of the men sitting in carriage; with a cop and some kids in BG. Pan to the other 2 guys in the vehicle. The marching band approaching; coming up street; in FG 2 boys walking ahead in street hold hands of a younger brother between them - just a quick shot. The band approaching and passing. Large buildings with chimneys in BG. Following the band; a crowd of regular folks. Three little girls; like the boys with youngest in middle. A group of men in
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