Sasori x Deidara Japanese Doujinshi {Sentimental Journey}

I’m really hoping I did this doujin justice. It’s an amaaaazing doujinshi, seriously. The title is “Sentimental Journey“, BTW. English or not, I love it so much. #9829; Since it kinda is in Japanese, I’m betting not everyone can read it. No worries -- I can’t either! ^^;; It’s nice anyways, at least appreciate the art. Please be warned that this video includes yaoi, or male x male romance, and what appears to be non-con. ;9 I would suggest against watching it while you’re at work or whatever; I’m betting this thing is gonna get flagged in two seconds! XD I did not make the doujin featured in this video; it is by the amazing artist Pigeon / Peewee. Their official site can be found here: I claim no credit for the artwork, storyline, song (“Little Wonders“), musical artist (Rob Thomas) or anything else. I only cropped the doujin and put together the video. :D But you knew that. All in all, enjoy!
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