General Norstad Leaves Fontainebleau Headquarters (1951)

Fontainebleau. Documentation states General Lauris Norstad, Commander in Chief of the Allied Air Forces in Central Europe since 1951 hands over command to British Air Chief Marshal Sir Basil Embry. General Norstad has been named Deputy Supreme Commander of Air at Supreme Headquarters, Allied Powers Group. About 1,000 officers and men took part in the ceremony. Documentation also contains a summary of Embry’s achievements, which include escaping from the Germans 3 times and in his final escape he killed 3 of his guards then tramped and cycled 700 miles across France. LS. GV. Parade lined for arrival of General. MS. Norstad shaking hands with officers. LV. Various shots Norstad inspecting troops. MS. Norstad addressing the assembly. MS. Norstad handing over the flag to Air Chief Marshal Sir Basil Embry. MS. Embry and Norstad. MS. Norstad presents Embry with . badge. MS. Norstad and Embry saluting approaching camera. Ground to Air, Sabre aircraft flying overhead. (F.G.) FILM ID:
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