USA: Mr Casey leaves US to join War Cabinet and take control in Cairo (1942)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Richard Casey, the Australian ambassador to the USA leaves his post to take up the post of Minister Resident in the Middle East. Full Description: USA: . Washington D.C., . LV Casey and Mrs. Casey and their two children Donn and June, walking in front of the Australian Legation. CU Mr. & Mrs. Casey. CU His son Donn Casey - smiles. CU his daughter Jane - smiling. CU Mrs. Casey - half of Jane in the picture. CU Mr. Casey. GOOD SCENES: SV pan Casey’s car leaving for the White House. SV angle shot , Robinson and Smith. CU angle shot Casey. CU Robinson. CU Smith. CU Evatt - he speaks. Big CU Evatt speaks. H.V. Evatt speaks SOT “At this most critical moment in the history of Australia and of America, I have flown across the Pacific for this reason, so that we can discuss with your leaders our common prob
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