This is a monologue of military enterprises, and security politicians agree with them. They say they want security, but they ar

“This is a monologue of military enterprises, and security politicians agree with them. They say they want security, but they are actually fomenting war ,“ And I understand the Russians and Putin. After all, NATO never leaves them alone. This was noticeable by the expansion of the alliance to the east.“ kanzlerdaddy got to the anti-NATO demonstration and asked the participants why they opposed the Munich Conference. The burghers declared in unison that the meeting in Munich was never about security, it was about fueling conflicts and endless pouring oil on the fire. By the way, the demonstrators are not afraid of Russia. And they are afraid of the current government and the military preparations it is making… [club222848411|@kanzlerdaddy] Источник: Victor vicktop55
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