Brimstone’s team thought they cleared A short for him but I was hiding there waiting to knife him, it didn’t quite go as planned though...
Viper is my duo, he’s a Radiant Viper main called @Shaolinbro
My Cypher strategies drive my enemies crazy and they always call me a RAT. Cypher is the most fun agent in Valorant by far because I can be sneaky and confuse my enemies for free kills. I’ve been playing Cypher since Episode 2 and I have hundreds of setups I can use for each map. One-ways, rat cages, unbreakable tripwires, illegal cameras, I have lots of tricks up my sleeve. Subscribe to the c
...hannel if you want to learn how to play Cypher like me and have more fun in Valorant than you thought was possible. Love you all ❤️
I stream on twitch every day at
Come say hi!
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