Wake up your little dragon for the night 8 minute workout to do just that

00:00 Introduction video 00:02 Butterfly Yoga Flaps 00:51 Rest 01:01 Bridge Pose Setu Bandhasana 01:48 Rest 01:58 Crab Pose 02:45 Rest 02:55 Cat Stretch 03:41 Rest 03:51 Bodyweight kneeling sissy squat 04:38 Rest 04:48 reverse crunch 05:34 Rest 05:44 Butterfly Yoga Flaps 06:31 Rest 06:41 Bodyweight Overhead Squat 07:27 Rest 07:37 Child pose 08:23 Workout complete pelvic floor workout for man, Pelvic Floor Strengthening Exercises, best kegel exercises for erectile dysfunction, kegel exercises for men to last longer #kegelexercises #pelvicfloorexercises #pelvicfloormuscles About This Video, In this video I am going to tell you - 10 Minute Exercise To Strengthen Your pelvic floor muscle for man to last longer. The pelvic floor is a group of muscles that support the pelvic organs and help control the bladder and bowel. A strong pelvic floor can improve urinary and bowel control, as well as sexual function. This
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