A Prayer without Language | Purbayan Chatterjee | Nastya

The only way of feeling one with nature is to try to be the nourisher. To feel empathy, to give, is the only way of tuning in to HER life force. In these trying times, let’s join our hands together, virtually, in a prayer for the whole of humankind. A prayer free of language, free of the boundaries of caste, creed, religion, nationality. From my heart to yours and from yours to HER’s. I am joined in this prayer by Nastya on the violin and harp. Let this be a time to slow down, to take a deep breath, to love and to give. Let’s keep our heads down but our chins up!!! Here’s to happier times - God Bless Humanity and God Bless our Planet 🌍🙏🏼
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