Yakety Sax - sheet music for Saxophone Tenor (The Benny Hill Show)

Download backing track and sheet music for Sax Tenor & Sax Alto - “Yakety Sax” is a pop novelty instrumental jointly composed by James Q. “Spider” Rich and Boots Randolph. Saxophonist Randolph popularized the selection in his 1963 recording, which reached number 35 on the rock charts. UK comedian Benny Hill later made it more widely known as the closing theme music of The Benny Hill Show. Backing track and sheet music for saxophone - Facebook - Вконтакте - Instagrm - ------------ ản ghi âm, bản nhạc phụ, trừ một, nhạc nền cho saxophone Phonogrammes, piste de dos, moins une partitions pour saxophone 錄音製品,背景音樂,減號,
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