Ian Bruce - Crazy Countdown

Текст с Bandcamp’а: “CRAZY COUNTDOWN (Ian M. Bruce/Sandy Stanage) CHORUS Five glass grape, four glass grain. Three hours pleasure, two days pain. One fool never gonna drink again. If I ever hit zero I believe it’s gonna be the end.... Of this crazy countdown. I am amazed by it. Some folks unphased by it. Drinkin enough to be dead. I toss and turn with it. My guts can churn with it. Trains crash through my sore head. CHORUS Some folks fight with it. Display their might with it. Stand for the true and untrue. Some hit the mud with it. Some shed their blood with it. Red faces turn black and blue. CHORUS Some couples split with it. Some wives get hit with it. Some husbands treated so bad. Tender hands fist with it. Gentle minds twist with it. Happiness turns to the CHORUS Some folks use it right. A quiet drink at night. That’s how I use it myself But every now and then Caution’s thrown to the wind Workin’ my way across the shelf. CHORUS from The Demons’ Dance, released November 1, 2004 Written by Ian M. Bruce and Sandy Stanage“
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