Battlefield Earth meeting scene

A scene from the infamous Battlefield Earth movie which is based on the L. Ron Hubbard book of the same name. Hubbard as we know was not only a science fiction writer, but the founder of the Church of Scientology which is infamous for it’s practices and it is viewed as a cult. Specifically with the book though, he wanted a film adaption made and John Travolta made a promise he would make it. After his Pulp Fiction stardom that revived his career, Travolta would propose this movie as a cross between “Star Wars and Pulp Fiction.“ No major studios wanted to pick up the idea because of potential Scientology themes, but a production company known as Franchise Pictures backed it and Travolta would then serve as executive producer by dumping most of his own fortune into it. The film was then critically panned and it has won many Razzies with Travolta winning a lot of them because of his “hammy“ acting. It also ultimately led to Franchise Pictures getting many lawsuits for inflating the budget
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