Marc Martel - Seaside Rendezvous (Queen Cover)

When we first played near the Mediterranean sea a few years back, my manager, Josh, thought it would be cool to do a sneaky little “impromptu” version of “Seaside Rendezvous” on the beach, as the song references the Mediterranean. I think he had seen me playing ukulele on “Good Company” and realized that “Seaside Rendezvous” could also work as a ukulele song. Turns out he was right. Huge props to Tristan for working up a perfect adaptation of the notoriously intricate arrangement of this song off Queen’s A Night At The Opera, for what is essentially a child’s toy! I doubt he could have possibly found a tinier uke. I’ll also have you know, Brandon went out and spent his hard-earned dough on a kazoo and… uh… whatever that whizzy thing at the end of the instrumental section is, just so you could be satisfactorily entertained. ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?!?! “Seaside Rendezvous” is one of those songs that just makes me shake my head like, “How in the world did Freddie write that?!” Truly, a musical ge
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