Super Mario 64 - Hazy Maze Cave (Solo Bass Loop-Rockbass Infinity 5)

Super Mario 64 - Hazy Maze Cave (aka Cave Dungeon, Underground Theme) Here is my looped arrangement of this song. I recently got a new bass (Warwick Rockbass Infinity 5-string!) and wanted to do a piece to showcase it a little bit. I ended up choosing this song because it uses a variety of note ranges and techniques. I do intend to make some changes to this bass though. New strings with thinner gauges, 3D printed bass ramps pickup covers, and maybe even some fretwork based on some annoying buzzing I’m hearing (I avoided certain positions in this video because of it!). I also wish the finish wasn’t so dark because it has a flamed maple veneer that looks awesome up close, but it barely shows through the black. I couldn’t do every single layer of the music in this solo loop version, so I do hope to do a more definitive version of this song eventually with my trusty video game duet partner Kenny Khaos. Enjoy! Music by Koji Kondo #Mario64 #SoloBass #Videogamemusic
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