For Richard Williams, the guy who drew Pink Panther and Roger Rabbit
His animated magnum opus, The Thief and the Cobbler, stuck in production from 1964 to 1993 due to independent direction, with additional fan edits including this one and the Re-cobbled Cut, is here in full form, flesh and blood, with unfinished scenes of the original workprint replaced by footage from The Princess and the Cobbler (and not just the Arabian Knight), original and Re-cobbled Cut audio and 2:30 minutes of home-made animation. Yeah, I might be better at cobbling shoes than scenes, but it is still animation with color and movement, so it counts. Enjoy. Don’t forget to spread the word, and let me know if that Thief steals the film from “U Tube“.
At 40:35 appears a city where I live, and at 40:44 appears a movie (which is also my all-time favorite) that inspired me to put this masterpiece together.