Transcendence Showcase 2023 - Kalavinka《迦陵频伽》

Kalavinka《迦陵频伽》 Adapted by: Olivia Xia Choreography by: Yuanyuan Hu This dance features the Kalavinka, a mythical creature in Buddhism said to have the head of a human and the body of a bird. This dance embodies the spirit of divine birds, blending the qualities of birds, humans, and deities into one. It is a mystical and dynamic expression of human emotions that evoke respect and admiration in those who witness it. The dance is a tribute to the true, the good, and the beautiful in the world, and it is a testament to the fusion of Chinese and Western cultures. Moreover, it is a testimony to the formidable power and allure of traditional Chinese culture. 迦陵频伽是妙音鸟,是极乐净土之鸟,人首鸟身,山谷旷野,其中多有迦陵频伽,出妙音声,如是美音,若天若人,紧那罗等无能及者。《迦陵频伽》这一舞蹈中体现了灵性之境,庄严圣地之众鸟之神,集鸟、人、神三种性质于一体,神秘灵动充满人情味,见其形闻其声,内心柔软,顿生敬意,是对世间真善美的守护与礼赞,是中西文化的碰撞交融,也是中国传统文化强大魄力与魅力之最好见证。 Dancers: Carissa Kwan, Olivia Xia, Vicki Zhang, Lillian Zhou Thumbnail by Jimmy Bai Videography by Bo Zhao
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