Josh Hawley said, US has ‘downplayed’ the number of UFO sightings

Josh Hawley, the Republican senator from Missouri, has claimed that the U.S. government has “downplayed” the number of UFO sightings and called for more transparency on the issue. Hawley said he was “very interested” in the upcoming report from the Pentagon on unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP), which is expected to be released by June 25. He said he hoped the report would provide “some answers” to the public and the Congress about the nature and origin of the UAPs. Hawley also said he was concerned about the potential national security implications of the UAPs and whether they posed a threat to the U.S. military or civilians. Josh Hawley is a Good GUY! : White House Banned Free Speech! Jackass Sighting at the White House yesterday🤡ClownWorld 🤡 Just My Opinion, This is funniest video I’ve seen all day! Thank God for free speech. #joshhawley #UFO #JoshHawley #PentagonReport #UAP #Aliens #FoxNews #Mystery #Disclosure I am Sh
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