Reality Based Self Defense System - Russian SpetsNaz

RUSSIAN MARTIAL ART SYSTEMA bu VADIM STAROV INTERNATIONAL CENTER HAND TO HAND COMBAT “Russian Style“ SPECIAL FORCES FOR CIVILIANS Welcome to School Vadim Starov “Russian Style“ Organization SYSTEMA “SPETSNAZ“ is open to the general public for instruction and seminars. RUSSIAN SPETSNAZ SECRET TECHNIQUES No Contact Combat RUSSIAN ENERGY Special psychological methods of influence by energy on the opponent. SystemaSpetsnaz originated and battle tested by the Russian Military Forces, through out the history, this unique system is now taught to the general public. SYSTEMA SPETSNAZ - the System of personal security, the System of extreme survival is a whole complex of knowledge and skills which - at a certain moment - can secure you and save your life by applying an extraordinary effective martial art: Russian Style Close Fight. Those who have mastered the System - even if they are weak or wounded, children, old men or disabled - can defeat their enemies by using the energy and force of the attackers against them all, and by spending the minimum of his or her own energy and force. In the course of the training you will become able to benefit from the enemy force with the help of your slight move, and survive in different extreme situations. SystemaSpetsnaz- is an invisible weapon which can be detected until it used and can be taken away until the man is alive. Наша группа В Контакте:
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