Islamic Invasion of India

Mughal Conquest of India was the bloodiest conquest in History, these are the lines of an American Historian Will Durant. Here is a Short Video based on the reality of Mughal Invasion of India. 00:00 Can Hindu & Muslims be friends? 00:33 Hindus provided shelter to the Jews 00:58 Will Durant wrote the true History of the Mughal Invasion of India 02:05 Mughal Invaders burnt, looted temples, destroyed idols, murdered people, burnt libraries, raped women, killed children 03:22 Mughal Invasion destroyed Indian Culture 03:50 Yogacharya BKS Iyengar also states that we lost the connection with Yoga due to Mughal, British Invasion 04:37 Mughals killed Buddhist Monks, Mughals wiped out Buddhism from India 05:33 Islamic Invasion of India destroyed Indian Knowledge #MughalInvasion #IslamicInvasion #MuslimInvasion #historyofindia
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