Making a Game Boy Color Game in C!

Hey everyone! Finally announcing the game that I’m making with some backstory and a bit of a dev log. Let me know if you’d like to see more! Planning on doing a physical cartridge release. If you’d like to follow along, take a look at my code, or help me financially here are some links to look at: Links to the development tools I’m using: GBDK: ZGB: GB Tile Designer and Map Builder: Milkytracker: Aesprite: Tools and supplies I use: Soldering iron: Iron stand: Solder: Flux: Solder wick: Hot air station: Screwdriver set: JIS Screwdriver: Scalpel handle: Scalpel blades: Wire: Silicone mat: Metal spudger: Metal tweezers: Plastic tweezers: Flush trim cutters: #gameboy #gbdk #nintendo
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