Royal Tour Report - Bondi Beach (1954)

Bondi Beach, Australia. GV pan, Bondi Beach. SV Queen and Duke arriving on dais. LV Life Guards holding banners marching from sea to Royal dais. SCU Queen on dais. Side view, Life Guards marching towards dais, & SV & CU. CU Queen watching. CU Duke watching. SV Life Guards marching towards with banners. STV Royal couple stepping onto jeep. LV crowd watching. LV pan from Royal car to boats at water edge. SCU pan, Queen and Duke driving looking towards sea as surf riders enter sea. SCU Life Guards rowing boats outmanoeuvre heavy waves. SV pan, Queen and Duke driving past life Guards lined up on beach. SCU boats battling through heavy breakers on way out. SCU other boats going through heavy breakers. SV pan, Royal couple driving back to dais. LV crowd applauding. SCU boats returning at speed over breakers. SCU another boat rushing through the sea. LV another boat returning at speed with man hanging on stern of boat in sea. Full CU Queen watching. Full CU Duke watching. LV another boat returning, breaker overtu
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