Meet the UPDATED Icelandic! 😍🐴✨| Star Stable Horses

Iceland is a place of timeless beauty and unforgiving elements and home to one of the world’s hardiest horse breeds. Horses arrived in Iceland with Viking explorers and were vital to survival, earning them a lasting reverence in Icelandic culture. The unforgiving climate ensured only the strongest survived, and in 982 a law was created forbidding horse imports, and any horse that left could never return. The result is a pure breed with no outside influences for over one thousand years. The millennium of isolation, forces of nature, and breeding turned the Icelandic horse into a remarkably healthy breed, strong and clever, with a calmness that only comes from centuries without predators. Though pony sized they carry adults and pull heavy loads with ease and are considered horses. The Icelandic language doesn’t even have a word for pony! Icelandics are a gaited breed with two naturally appearing special gaits. The tölt is smooth and easy, ideal for travelling long distances without tiring the horse or rider whe
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