Russia’s Putin oversees departure of Arctic LNG 2’s first line to production site

Russian President Vladimir Putin approved Arctic LNG 2’s first line departure via the Northern Sea Route from the Murmansk region to its future production site on the Gydan peninsula, the Kremlin said on Thursday (July 20). Arctic LNG 2 would be Russia’s third large-scale project for producing liquefied natural gas (LNG) after a Gazprom-led Sakhalin 2 plant in Russia’s Pacific and Yamal LNG controlled by Novatek. It would help Russia achieve its goal of gaining 20% of the global LNG market by 2035 from around 8% currently. Russia is focusing on developing its energy technologies. Editor: Zou __________________ ShanghaiEye focuses on producing top-quality contents. Nobody knows SHANGHAI better than us. Please subscribe to us ☻☻☻ __________________ For more stories, please click ■ What’s up today in Shanghai, the most updated news of the city ■ Amazing Shanghai, exploring the unknown corners of the city, learning the people, food and stories behind them ■ What Chinese people’s lives are like during the post COVID-19 period ■ Views of foreign scholars on China and its affairs ■ Foreign faces in Shanghai, people living in this city sharing their true feelings ■ Mini-docs showing why China is the country it is today __________________ ☎Leave us messages if you have any suggestions or questions! Thank you!
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