Atoms Used In Chemical Research (1960)

Gif Sur Yvette and Villejuif, France. LS. GV. Laboratory at Gif sur Yvette. walking through door carrying parcel. CU. Sign, Laboratoire Radiocarbone. Various shots as girl opens parcel and pours out bones from archaeological sites, these items are taken into laboratory and submitted to a series of complex chemical reactions, the object being to extract the radioactive carbon. LS. Carbon, in the form of gas, is isolated in a container and placed in a lead case which will protect it against surrounding radiance, during 24 hours ultra-sensitive counters will estimate precisely the radioactivity of the gas. Various shots of scientist seated at desk. writing, he gets up and marks date on map at the particular archaeological site where bones were found. Various shots at the Gustave Roussy centre in Villejuif as a sufferer from illness of thyroid gland is having treatment of radioactive iodine, specialists can then determine the severity of the case by sounding the patient with radioactive counters. Va
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