How Nuclear War Starts: WW3, Russia, China, Area 51, Aliens, Nazi’s & CIA Secrets | Annie Jacobsen

Thank you to today’s sponsors: Hartford Gold: Get $15K in FREE silver: Pique Tea: 15% off Free Frother Link: Get ready for a compelling conversation that challenges your understanding of the forces that govern world peace and security and explores the thin line between national security and global peril! In today’s episode of Impact Theory, I’m joined by investigative journalist and NYT best-selling author Annie Jacobsen to dive deep into the complex and chilling world of nuclear weapons and global politics. Annie has done extensive investigative research into the military and intelligence community, and she is shedding light on the hidden truths behind nuclear arsenals and the influential figures who’ve shaped our modern world; the pivotal changes needed to steer away from this fate; and the intersections of military history, government secrecy, and the strategies that have shaped global policy. We touch on:
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