Unexpected labor - delivery of baby - our birth vlog | NATURAL BIRTH

The pain of childbirth comes from contractions of the uterus, causing contractions that are not controlled by the mother. Uterine contractions progressed rhythmically, sometimes at rest but not completely like contractions before labor. The intensity of contractions is not too strong to be dangerous for the fetus and mother, nor is it too weak. Uterine contractions are the driving force behind labor, and the pace of contractions also varies with each stage of labor. Abnormal uterine contractions can prolong labor or cause complications for the mother and fetus. Features of uterine contractions: Uterine contractions occur spontaneously against the mother’s will. Uterine contractions cause pain. Pain threshold depends on each woman. When the contraction pressure reaches 25-30 mmHg, the woman begins to feel pain. The pain appears late, after uterine contractions, and disappears before the contractions cease. The origin of uterine contractions is located in one of the two horns of the
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