This is a beautiful song that gives God all the praise and glory, because He and He alone is the King of king, Lord of lords, and Emperor above all emperors.
Hashem melech, Hashem malach, Hashem yimloch, le’olam va’ed
The Lord is King, the Lord was King, the Lord will be King, for all eternity
Ahlel Hashem Elokim, Ve’ahgadlenu be’todah
Praise the Lord God, and exalt Him with gratitude
Yod ve Heh ve Vav ve Heh Hashem elokeinuh Hashem Echad
Y-H-V-H (Yahweh) The Lord is our God, the Lord is one
Song Hashem Melech
Artist: Gad Elbaz and Beni Elbaz
Album: Milim Shel Ruach
Year: 2013
#hashem #melech #hashemmelech #hebrewsong #hebrewworship #hebrewsongwithenglishtranslation #hebrew #thelordisking #Godisking #jewish #jewishmusic #jewishsong #israel #israeli #israelimusic #israelisong #yisrael #yisroel #amen #Godisthegreatest #hashemisking #hashemmalach #hashemyimloch
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7 months ago 00:05:06 1
גד אלבז מארח את ניסים ה’ מלך Gad Elbaz feat. Nissim - Hashem Melech 2.0
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