CHINA Submerged by Flood! 750,000 People Are Evacuated, Thousands of Houses & Cars Swept Away

CHINA Submerged by Flood! 750,000 People Are Evacuated, Thousands of Houses & Cars Swept Away In 2023, China, home to the world’s largest population, faced an onslaught of natural disasters that tested its mettle against the forces of nature. The year was marked by a series of monstrous storms, unleashing torrents of rain powerful enough to submerge nations, bringing China to its knees. As if straight out of an apocalyptic tale, these natural disasters left a trail of destruction, with vicious flash floods sweeping away homes and claiming thousands of innocent lives. Cameras captured these harrowing moments, offering a glimpse into the doomsday-like scenarios faced by the beleaguered citizens. Beijing, the nation’s heart, was not spared. On July 31st, the city was ravaged by a natural disaster, claiming at least two lives and disrupting public life. The city center recorded an astonishing 550mm of rainfall, a figure unprecedented in the history of this densely populated c
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