Asking questions in English – English questions and answers – Spoken English learning videos

Learn useful vocabulary and phrases with the Spoken English video course. We can guarantee you, that by the end of this course, you will be able to speak fluently with your friends, colleagues and new people in English. Why? What? Where? We need to know all about this world! It is impossible to be in society without questions: you will not understand anything, you will not get to the right place and you will not find what you want - the questions are constantly used in communication. There are two groups of questions: - Yes/No or general questions that only need a yes/no answer. They are formed with auxiliary verbs. - Special questions that help to know specific information. They are formed with questioning words and an auxiliary verb. Contents: 1. Welcome to Spoken English course 00:06 2. Asking questions 00:43 3. Vocabulary (questions & answers) 02:08 4. Dialogue for practice
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