Bailey Bridge Goes Home (1966)

Full title reads: “Windsor. Bailey Bridge Goes Home“. Bailey Bridge is dismantled that went between Datchet and Windsor. GV The bridge over the River Thames. LV Ditto. GV Windsor Castle taken from the bridge. LV Rope from winch truck to bridge. SV Ditto. SV As the bridge is pulled across the river. SV Ditto. CU Ditto. SV Pan soldiers removing road sections. SV Ditto. LV The bridge after part of it has been pulled across. AS The road sections being lifted by crane. CU Soldier directing crane driver. SV As road sections are lowered onto lorry. LV Pan soldier walking across girder. LV One section of the bridge is dismantled and lowered. LV Pan from one side of river to the other where only the last section of bridge remains to be dismantled. CU Pan winch truck pulling the last section off. CU Ditto. CU Pan as the last section comes onto road. GV Motor boat going up river past where the bridge was. (Orig. Neg.) Cataloguer’s Note: Bailey Bridges are prefabricated and normally used by the army for their
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