Korean Title: 장군님 축지법 쓰신다
Russian Title: Полководец укажет путь к победе
Japanese Title: 将軍様 縮地法を使う
Also translated as: The Dear General Uses Distance-Shrinking Magic (Chukjibeop)
Performed by Wangjaesan Light Music Band.
Lyrics : 정렬
Composer : 김운룡
Singers: 김명옥, 정명신, 정순녀
This is a real song from the DPRK, about Dear Leader Kim Jong Il’s magic abilities. the lyrics should be alright, check the original lyrics in korean below:
“축지법 축지법 장군님 쓰신다
동에 번쩍 서에 번쩍 천하를 쥐락펴락
방선천리 주름잡아 장군
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