Crypto Update: Telegram Stars 🌟 The Sandbox Raises $20M 🚀🪙 Hamster News

⚡️Hamster News⚡️ 📰 Hey everyone! Welcome back to Hamster News. Today’s top headlines cover exciting developments in the web3 and crypto world. Telegram has introduced a new Stars feature, allowing bots and mini apps to sell digital goods and services, with developers able to withdraw their Stars in TON. The Sandbox has raised $20 million, boosting its valuation to $1 billion. McLaren F1 Team has partnered with OKX to launch a “Race Rewind“ NFT collection, featuring 24 unique digital collectibles with different sounds. Institutional interest in meme coins has surged, with investments increasing by 300% to $300 million this quarter. Kraken looking to raise $100 million in preparation for IPO. Stay informed and united, hamsters! Subscribe and remember, hamsters are power! 🐹💪 🚀 Watch every video closely to get clues that you can use later 🖇 Telegram Launches Telegram Stars A New Paymen
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