Nipple massage for areola hypersensitivity. Perineal massage to improve sexual activity.

We show you the same video from last week but without censorship so that through the images the information is clearer. We show you with the help of this patient the breast massage that has several advantages such as reducing the sensitivity of pain in the nipples, as well as improving the recovery time after breast implant surgery, and also preparing them for breastfeeding. Vaginal massage Helps you to have an easier vaginal delivery and improve sexual relations in case of pain. It is worth mentioning that we also already have our page www. With our name Dr. Gustavo Quiros Licona, here you will find 430 videos, with our style of teaching divided by themes, Sexuality, Gynecology, Cosmetic Medicine and pregnancy, so you can see the videos with the topics that interest you most. These videos are not on you tube. Every week about 5 weekly videos are mostramos el mismo video de la semana pasada pero sin censura para que por medio de las imagenes la informacion te quede mas clara. Te most
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