Graham Wright - Puer Natus

Текст с Bandcamp’а: “A lovely carol from the Songbook of Anna of Cologne Puer natus in bethleem unde gaudet iherusalem Amor amor amor amo, amor quam dulcis est amor Assumpsit carnem filius dei patris altissimus Per gabrielem nuncium virgo concepit filium Tamquam sponsus de thalamo procedens matris utero Reges de saba veniunt aurum thus myrram offerunt Trino uni sempiterno benedicamus domino In terris hominibus eterna pax fidelibus Unde semper angelicas deo dicamus gratias A child was born in Bethlehem All Jerusalem rejoiced The Love,the Love,the Love,I love how sweet is the Love He assumed flesh,the son of the highest God By Gabriel it was announced that the virgin had concieved a son like a bride groom he emerges from the Mothers Womb The Kings of Sheba come offering Gold,Frankencense and Myrrh Three as one eternally We praise the Lord On Earth believers have eternal peace Therefore Angels always say thanks to God from FLOS CARMELI, released November 6, 2021“
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